About Nicole
Welcome Sacred Woman
I’m delighted to have you in my Womblissverse
My Birth Name Is Nicole, and My Womb Name is Ishtara. I’m A Curandera, a Womb Shaman, And A Psychospiritual Art Therapist. I'm a teacher, mentor, and a Spirit Keeper and Weaver of the Feminine Healing Arts and the Quantum Womb Wisdom/mysteries.
I guide and support my clients and students back to the Sacred Pleasure of their Body Temple, to their Visceral/instinctual Intelligence, back to their Heart-Womb Consciousness, Erotic Innocence, so they may awaken and Resurrect their Quantum Sovereign Bliss blueprint.
I’m The founder of Womb Bliss and the co-founder of EmRahMa Mystery College. My sacred practice and Teachings spring from the twenty-four years of journeys/initiations and studies in Bioenergetics, Psychic Phenomena, Consciousness, Psychospirituality, Shadow Work, Shamanism, Archetypal Imaginative Guided Journeys, Art Therapy, Dance, Trauma/Ancestral healing, Epigenetics, Quantum DNA Healing, Womb Awakening, and Feminine Healing Arts.
I’m passionate and deeply devoted to the Return of Ma’at— Cosmic Balance, Womb Consciousness, and the harmonious Crystalline Templates of Gaia Sophia.
I walk the path of love and Union in reverence to all my relations, to all organic beings, to my ancestral Lineages of Kemetic, Semitic, Native American, Transylvanian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Persian…
I’m a fierce and compassionate Feral Woman, keeper of Ma’at, devoted to the reconciliation of the Shadow and the Light by returning to and merging with, the Heart and the Womb/Hara, integrating, Regenerating, the Feminine And Masculine split.
It would be my honor to midwife you on your Journey of Awakening the Wisdom of your Lineages, Remembering and Resurrecting your Alkemical Sensual Nature! Reclaiming your Feral HolyWild Womb and Embodying your Divinity.