Resurrect your ancestral Opulence your Feral alkhemy

Online Initiation

a Womb Quest into your FeminineWealth


Sacred Woman,

you are invited to a potent online ceremonial course to ignite your Bli$$ as you rewrite your money story.

you will journey through your Sacred Tree of Life

Journey though your Womb Bliss Gates and Retrieve your Creatrix Blueprint

Resurrect your Sacred Pleasure template.

Through this epic journey your will be guided to Reclaim your Isnticttive Sensual Nature, awakening the pleasure gateways within your body, yoni, and Heart-Womb. Together in sisterhood and Igniting the Magdalene Codes within you and the Sacred Pleasure of your Matter.

Pleasure is our birthright, our bodies are naturally wired into the orgasmic oceanic waters of the Great Womb that has birthed all in Creation.

This journey is an invitation to Resurrect the Feral Feminine Codes within your lineages, opening your body to the potentiality of your quantum DNA and Alkemical Nature.

Time Remember, Resurrect and Reclaim the wisdom of our feminine lineages and the bliss instinct of our bodies.

You will be held by the birthing watery field of the Merciful Womb that has birth all in Creation as you dive within your inner landscapes to Remember, Reclaim and Revive your Feminine Bliss Blueprint.

An Alchemical Remembrance, you may begin to Embody the Wisdom Within and Ignite the Magdalene Bliss Codes.


do you hear the calling of your heart-womb?

The throbbing of your Sacred Pleasure, longing to be Reclaimed?